Apr 12, 2014 by Arthur
What a Life!
Looking for a place to relax? Want a place to feel the air push through your hair or hear the sounds of the surf rolling up on the beach? Have we got a spot for you!
Looking for a place to relax? Want a place to feel the air push through your hair or hear the sounds of the surf rolling up on the beach? Have we got a spot for you!
Bonnie’s article was a good “catch up” for what we’ve been doing for the last six weeks. Her scriptural thoughts on “doing all for the glory of God,” and “come away and rest,” are certainly great truths of God for all of us today. But, I’m still feeling that “itch” of trying to figure out “where do we belong?” and “what are we to do now?” and “why doesn’t the Lord speak and show His plan to us?”
Yes, it’s been six weeks since we’ve written a blog. Each day has been a new adventure, and we are blessed.
As I write this blog entry, my wife and I are sitting in the front seat of our van in the middle of a campground deep in the Everglades, typing away on our computers. The day is a cloudy and rainy one, and we’re both feeling a little bit of energy loss, perhaps due to the cool temperatures, mosquito bites, and cloudy rainy weather. So, the question is: what do we do now?
Flat Eric enjoys hiking the trails in the Everglades, especially since he doesn't have to walk and is carried everywhere, but he particularly enjoyed being on the Anhinga and Gumbo-Limbo trails at Royal Palm Visitor Center.
In the Everglades, we’ve been privileged to attend several ranger programs. We went on a canoe trip through the ponds and mangrove swamps, where we saw a huge crocodile! We also went on a driving trip to learn about the flora and fauna in all its diversity at different sites in the park. We attended several talks, and learned about manatees, crocodiles and alligators, and even “animal romance.” Did you know that the Everglades is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles live together?
Weeeee’re baaaaacccck! Yes, the Joyces have begun their wandering again. On January 15, after spending the holidays with our family in north Georgia, we hit the road again, heading for warmer places. And just in time! We just missed the recent Arctic weather that has wreaked havoc across the eastern United States. It has been great to be in sunny (but not always warm) Florida during this time.
Christmas 2013 - Dearest family and friends,
Greetings to you all this blessed Christmas season! We have been blessed beyond measure during this first year of retirement, but those blessings pale in comparison the awesome gift God gave to us over 2000 years ago!
2013 is history, and we have now been retired one year. We have been very blessed to travel not only in Florida, but “around the edges” of the US, from Michigan across to Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC, down the coast of California to Los Angeles, and across the south on to the panhandle of Florida, before heading back to our base in Georgia.
Gulf Shores, AL beach offered a relaxing and refreshing opportunity for a stroll into the sunset.
As we contemplate Thanksgiving that will soon be upon us, we can’t help but give thanks to our God for all that He has allowed us to see and do during 2013. We have seen some awesome sights that display the majesty and glory of God. Making our way across the United States and traveling down the coastline of Washington, Oregon, and California we have been impressed with the power and creative genius of Jesus who made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them (John 1:1-4 says that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”).
God does indeed move in mysterious ways. In fact, the scriptures tell us that His ways are past finding out. This blog entry is about one of those times!
I’ve always had a bent toward science fiction as a kid. . .and even as an adult. When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, my wife told me about it and I was interested to see the show. And since that first exposure. . .I was hooked and have been a Trek fanboy ever since. So when the opportunity came to visit the Space Center in Houston, I was anxious to see all I could see because my imagination had been fanned by the science fiction to see the real thing. But to my surprise, one of the first items I came across was the Galileo from the NCC-1701, Enterprise!
That’s the name of a 1970 book by H. R. Rookmaaker. I’ve never read the book, and although I’d like to read it someday, in a way the title says it all. One doesn’t need to be an art expert to see a connection between the death of civilization and the gradual degradation of all the artistic media as culture has become divorced from the meaning and purpose that comes from being children of God. Our experiences in the world of art one day really reinforced this conclusion.
When someone mentions “The Alamo,” perhaps one of the first things that comes to mind is the ballad of “Davy Crocket” and the Walt Disney portrayal of Fess Parker as the Tennessee hero who fought and died defending the Alamo.