New Leaves

Into the Sunset

Nov 18, 2013 by Arthur

Gulf Shores, AL beach offered a relaxing and refreshing opportunity for a stroll into the sunset.

Some would say to us, “What’s next?” We don’t have a ready answer for that question at this point, but we do know that we are ready for wherever God leads and whatever God would allow to come our way. We haven’t discovered what new leaves may yet be in the bud for our lives, and are still asking God to reveal that to us. We do know that there are some things we need to take care of as the end of the year approaches. There are some doctor appointments and some house-keeping tasks that need attention. Our van has been functioning quite well since the accident in California, and I don’t know that there are any concerns we should have about it. But there are some maintenance issues that need to be addressed, as it is with any vehicle one owns.

At this point we are considering where we will “winter” and there is a good chance that we will do so where it is hopefully reasonably warm through the cold winter months. We do know that we will continue to post some blogs, though maybe not as many as we’ve done thus far, and perhaps contribute in a physical way to helping in some ministries that could use some help in fixing up and maintaining areas used in warmer times of the year.