We’re Thankful
Nov 15, 2013 by Arthur
As we contemplate Thanksgiving that will soon be upon us, we can’t help but give thanks to our God for all that He has allowed us to see and do during 2013. We have seen some awesome sights that display the majesty and glory of God. Making our way across the United States and traveling down the coastline of Washington, Oregon, and California we have been impressed with the power and creative genius of Jesus who made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them (John 1:1-4 says that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”).
We have traveled more than 16,000 miles and have been continually amazed at the leading of God in our lives. We have made new friends and have felt God’s hands upon us as we have interacted with people and sought to bring encouragement to them to seek out the free gift of eternal life that Jesus wants to give to each one of them. We have had some frustrating times with an accident, getting stuck in the sand, government shutdown, scarcity of gas stations on CA-1, finding nightly lodging places, and cold weather but the Lord has always provided. He is truly a loving and merciful God who every day makes all things new for us.
We are headed to Georgia to enjoy Thanksgiving with a portion of our family but reflect that while not all of our family will be able to join us on that day, they are also being blessed of God and directed by God as they have chosen to walk in obedience to His holy Word. So we give thanks to God today and every day knowing that all things work together for good as we allow God’s hand to conform us to the image of His Son.
We wish each of you a very blessed time of Thanksgiving and a blessed time of worship as Christmas rolls around not too far from Thanksgiving. May your hearts be full of joy as you feel the love of Jesus surrounding you and yours during these days. Enjoy this time and give manifold thanks to Him!
Thank you to all who have been reading our blog and holding us before the Lord each day. Know too that we have been praying for our family and friends and church congregation during these days. Many of you are in our thoughts each day!