New Leaves

Aug 24, 2020 by Arthur

One of a Kind

Frank Lloyd Wright gas station, flower garden, and the waterfront in Duluth, MN are highlights on this day of our travel.


Aug 23, 2020 by Arthur

A Day of Rest

Sabbath Rest in Ashland, WI: City of fish, murals, and iron ore. Join us as we take a little tour.


Aug 22, 2020 by Arthur

Upper Michigan's Iron Country

Iron Mountain, Iron River, Ironwood, an Olympic ski jump, a pasty competition, and Hiawatha. Come ride with us.


Aug 21, 2020 by Arthur

A Ghost Town …in Michigan?

Travel with us along US-2 from St. Ignace to Iron Mountain, Michigan. Truly an adventure! We discovered a ghost town, made new friends who live in a bus, searched for a gorge, and ended the day at a fresh spring. This one's a little long, because it was such a busy and exciting day. If you would like to see the inside of Steve and Jennifer's bus, and hear more about their story, please visit their blog at They did a fabulous job on the interior of the bus, and they also write a lovely blog.


Aug 20, 2020 by Arthur

Old Memories and New Discoveries

Heading up to the beginning of US-2, featuring Bellaire, Charlevoix, Petoskey, and Mackinaw City, Michigan. We also visited the The Headlands International Dark Sky Park.

For more of Bonnie's grandparents' story, scroll down to Happy 100th Anniversary, George and Laura.


Aug 19, 2020 by Arthur

VanTrek 2020, A New Adventure

The Joyces are at it again. We're beginning another circle tour of the American west, this time more inland than our first trip. We're also experimenting with using videos more often than text. This entry includes a short tour of our van and the changes we've recently made to it. Obviously our blog is a work in progress. Subscribe and get updates whenever we publish a new video. And, always, your feedback is welcome!


Apr 21, 2020 by Bonnie

Madie's Devotional Journal 1972-73

Mom didn’t write every day, but I thought I’d record this short account I found in a little notebook. She started this when she was 50 years old, and prayed for all of her children, and little Marti, her niece.


Apr 13, 2020 by Bonnie

A Letter from Dad

A year after Mom left us, I am finally getting around to going through the boxes of memories that she left for us. Most of the writings are in Mom's hand, but occasionally I will find one of Dad's (gold!). I thought I'd share this one today, written to his children. Somehow it seems fitting to the present time, a reminder of the basics of life.


Oct 31, 2019 by Bonnie

Happy 100th Anniversary, George and Laura

Today, October 31, 2019, marks the 100th wedding anniversary of my paternal grandparents, George and Laura Gardner. I don’t know much about the wedding, only that it was held at a friend’s home. I do know a bit more about their lives, though, through their journals and letters.


Aug 20, 2019 by Bonnie


Tomorrow is the day . . . the day I have been anticipating yet dreading. Tomorrow morning I will wake up just as I always do, get dressed, make coffee, spend time in the Word, talk to my Father, and eat breakfast. But it will not be an ordinary day, because it will mark an ending, the end of a 65-year-old story. You see, for the past year and a little more, Art and I have been living most of the time in my childhood home, a home that my parents bought new in 1953. And tomorrow I will leave it forever.


Jun 30, 2019 by Bonnie

Madalynne …A Life Well Lived

“I don’t think Madalynne will be coming back with you.” Those were the words of our dear visiting nurse, as I told her that we would be leaving Michigan for the winter and coming back in April. Her prediction turned out to be true.


Feb 01, 2019 by Bonnie

Another Bend in the Road

It’s been a while since I updated this blog, and our lives continue to change. But Our Father walks behind and before us, and knows each bend in the road.


Jun 01, 2018 by Bonnie

Coming Home

Madalynne loved the big ten-foot-wide picture window that dominated the living room of the house where she had lived most of her life. Looking out now on the tidy row of post-war ranch homes that had changed little over the years since 1953 when they were built, it seemed hard to believe that she was really here.


Dec 13, 2017 by Bonnie

Christmas Letter 2017

Welcome, all wonders in one night! Eternity shut in a span!

Summer in Winter! Day in Night! Heaven in Earth and God in Man!

Great little one whose all-embracing birth

Lifts Earth to Heaven, Stoops Heaven to Earth! – Richard Crenshaw

God has truly blessed us this year—a busy but very special year. . .


Nov 08, 2017 by Bonnie

1955 - Family Celebrations

Although Mom’s parents had come from New England, she was a Michigan girl, raised in Ferndale on East Woodland Avenue. Dad was originally from Bellaire (“up north”) but came down to the city to find work as an electrician, after taking an electrical course at Coyne Electrical School in Chicago. Mom and Dad each had one sister, and we had four cousins. I probably would have had lots more cousins if tragedy hadn’t intervened early in Dad’s life.
