New Leaves

Art stands in front of The Alamo

San Antonio, TX

Remember the Alamo

Nov 04, 2013 by Arthur

When someone mentions “The Alamo,” perhaps one of the first things that comes to mind is the ballad of “Davy Crocket” and the Walt Disney portrayal of Fess Parker as the Tennessee hero who fought and died defending the Alamo.

We enjoyed seeing The Alamo and walking through those ruins of a bygone era while remembering the high cost of freedom for which men gave their lives. And even today there are those who are willing to sacrifice their own lives that others may enjoy the freedoms we currently have here in the U.S. But we also cannot forget the One who gave His life on the cross to purchase eternal life for those who put their trust in Him: Jesus Christ. That was the ultimate sacrifice that can never again be duplicated because He was the Only Son of the Father who laid aside his divine rights to redeem us from sin.

As we toured the Alamo, we also were taken with the various languages we heard being spoken. People from around the world were visiting and perhaps hearing for the first time the story of the brave men who fought in defense of freedom. May we always remember! It was also interesting to see the display of state flags representing the many who came to fight. We found the flag of Tennessee and noted with pride the number of our fellow Tennesseans who made the trip to fight in the battle.

View along the Riverwalk
View of the Riverwalk
Enjoying the scenery along the Riverwalk
Beautiful landscaping of the Riverwalk

The Alamo is located in the heart of the downtown area of San Antonio. And right nearby is a beautiful spot called the Riverwalk. It is a location beautifully constructed in the busy business district by a a loop in the San Antonio river. If you want to take a leisurely stroll along the water over lunch, or perhaps board a river taxi for a ride downstream or upstream, or perhaps simply have a bite at one of the many restaurants along the river, it’s a great place to get away from the sometimes hectic activity of shoppers and business people in the downtown area. If you’re ever in the area, do stop by and enjoy this great area of Texas.