Sep 06, 2020 by Arthur
Salt Lake City & Utah Fires
Join us as we brave the summer fires in Utah and visit Salt Lake City on our way down to Canyon Country.
Join us as we brave the summer fires in Utah and visit Salt Lake City on our way down to Canyon Country.
Covers the drive from Glacier to Craters of the Moon, mostly on US-93. This is the longer version, including a blast to the past and a unique taste treat.
Tomorrow is the day . . . the day I have been anticipating yet dreading. Tomorrow morning I will wake up just as I always do, get dressed, make coffee, spend time in the Word, talk to my Father, and eat breakfast. But it will not be an ordinary day, because it will mark an ending, the end of a 65-year-old story. You see, for the past year and a little more, Art and I have been living most of the time in my childhood home, a home that my parents bought new in 1953. And tomorrow I will leave it forever.
We are back on the road! Well, for a bit anyway. Most of you probably know that Mom Joyce passed away peacefully on September 19. We were glad to have her with us for seven months, and even though we thought it would be longer, we are glad that she is no longer suffering and is with her dear husband and older son. We are spending a few weeks in Michigan to visit Dave’s and Laura’s families and to scatter Mom Joyce’s ashes on Dad Joyce’s grave at White Chapel in Troy.
The native culture called Toccoa Falls “the beautiful.” It is located on the campus of Toccoa Falls College, our alma mater, where we lived early in our marriage, in a mobile home park on the college grounds. After three wonderful years, in 1975, we both graduated from the college.
It all depends on your perspective.
Traveling through Chicago to get to the East coast of Wisconsin is not a whole lot of fun. But once through, the trip was delightful and filled with new adventures.
From Chicago, IL to Santa Monica, CA, the Mother Road (the name many refer to when they talk of Route 66) meanders though lazy towns and memories of the past. And for those who can remember days gone by and a simpler time in family life, it’s indeed a trip down memory lane.
In our travels, we have found that the vast majority of the people we have met, including police officers, are pleasant, polite, interesting and helpful. For example, just now, as I was writing this, sitting in a lovely pavilion overlooking a lighthouse on Lake Michigan, a man and his dog “Rosie” stopped by to chat, while out for their morning walk. But in St. Louis, we met one person who was none of the above, and his actions have wounded, but not defeated us.
The Joyces have landed! Well, temporarily at least. After 21 months away from our house, we are now spending some time at home, which feels good. It seems very luxurious to have running water—HOT running water, an electric stove with four burners, a refrigerator that actually keeps things from spoiling, and central heat and air! We are living in the lap of luxury!
Leaving Vermont we headed a little north and then west across New York and Canada to Michigan. Heading south out of Michigan we continued to see many areas where fall was continuing its magic of transforming green clorophyl into golden reds and brilliant yellows.
(No, our van didn’t look back and turn into a pillar of stones. This is just one of the interesting things we encountered on our “van trek” into Vermont). It has always been a desire of Bonnie’s to be able to be in Vermont during the season of colored leaves. But, the timing was never just right nor was it convenient for us to make that trip from Tennessee to the hills of Vermont at just the right time to enjoy the changing of green leaves to colored leaves.
On our way back to Michigan from the Creation Museum in Kentucky, we stopped at Mazza Museum in Findlay, Ohio. This unusual museum is on the campus of the University of Findlay, and is the first and largest teaching museum in the world specializing in collecting original works by the most distinguished and honored illustrators of children’s books. It began with four artworks in 1982, and has increased to over 8,000 pieces today.
Dayton is a town with many attractions, although it’s also a town whose history has often been forgotten.
Answers in Genesis’ Creation Museum near Florence, Kentucky, is probably the most unusual museum that we have ever visited. Topnotch exhibits (Disney World quality) present an entertaining, yet also compelling, argument for young earth creationism.