New Leaves


Aug 22, 2013 by Arthur

So…This Is a Rainforest!

Imagine what your house and property would look like if there were 12 1/2 FEET of rain every year! I would imagine that you would probably have some moss growing on your roof too!


Aug 21, 2013 by Arthur

Olympic Mountains

Bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the east by the Hood Canal and on the north by the Strait of Juan de Fuca , the Olympic Peninsula is anchored by the majestic Olympic Mountains. No other place in America can match its diversity in terrain and weather in such a compact geographic area.


Aug 19, 2013 by Arthur

Mt. Ranier: Another Volcano

Just looking at Mt. Ranier you would never guess that this is an active volcano. But it is just as active as Mt. St. Helen was before it suddenly began to stir from its long sleep.


Aug 17, 2013 by Arthur

A Sobering Reality

At 8:32 AM, Pacific TIme, on May 18, 1980, the volcano known as Mount St. Helens exploded sending ash and mountain dust around the world and killing 57 people.


Aug 17, 2013 by Arthur

Mt. St. Helens

After driving close to 60 miles, once near the National Park, we arrive at the Johnston Ridge Observatory Visitor Center, almost directly in front of the North face of the mountain.


Aug 16, 2013 by Bonnie

Oregon Trail: Wyoming to Washington

Family—we are constantly reminded of the importance of the family unit to everyday living. How much more important it is to those who are undertaking a treacherous journey, as were the settlers who by the hundreds of thousands in the 1830s through the 1860s started out from Independence, Missouri to find a new life in the far west.


Aug 13, 2013 by Bonnie

Impressions of Jackson, WY

Now I know why they call it Jackson HOLE! Oh my word! The town is surrounded by mountains, right in people’s back yards! It’s really cool—totally flat, and then whoop— 45º angled mountain!


Aug 12, 2013 by Arthur

Awesome Is the Best Word

I’m not describing ice cream, or a non-chocolate cookie, or even a nice Hawaiian shirt (just kidding) I might buy. So what’s so awesome that it’s the best word?


Aug 12, 2013 by Arthur

God’s Appointment?

It was coming to be our last day in Yellowstone National Park and we wanted to get as much out of the park as we were able. We had already taken in many of the popular sites and many of the sites off the beaten path as well. But what were we to do about finding a place to spend the night?


Aug 11, 2013 by Bonnie

How Does One Describe Yellowstone?

If you really want to share in our Yellowstone experience, you need to look at this week’s photos on The album is called Van Trek August-2 2013. Even then, it’s impossible to convey the truly awesome marvels of God’s creation that we saw this week. Art kept saying, “I never thought I’d see this in person.”


Aug 06, 2013 by Arthur

Close Encounter of the Awesome Kind

Close Encounter, the movie, was concerned about aliens visiting us from outer space. They met with we humans at Devils Tower. Everyone was impressed by the humans. But in our visit to Devils Tower, we were impressed with the awesomeness of our Creator God!


Aug 05, 2013 by Arthur

Living Legends and Deadwood

Strange title, but it fits. Living Legend regards the monument to presidents that made an impact on our country and Deadwood is a gold rush town that went bust.


Aug 04, 2013 by Bonnie

Badlands and Good People!

We had planned to just drive through the Badlands, but since we arrived mid-morning, we decided to check in at the campground ($8 for seniors, and no admission fee to the park), near the eastern end of the loop, drive through, see Wall Drug, and go back along the loop in the evening, stopping to watch the sunset.


Aug 03, 2013 by Bonnie

South Dakota: Once More, Corn is King

Our visit to Nebraska was pretty much limited to Omaha. After visiting Union Station, and doing some letterboxing in a cemetery, we drove north along the Missouri River, which is the eastern border of the state, crossed the river again, and spent the night in Yankton, South Dakota. The next morning we drove up to Mitchell to see the Corn Palace, which is truly a unique enterprise.


Aug 01, 2013 by Arthur

Out with the Old and In with the New

There are many folks who would agree with that statement and who would apply it across the board. There are other folks who might agree with the basic thought but who would selectively apply it. But what’s the correct stance to take? Is there a correct stance?
