Mar 17, 2013 by Arthur
Time for Work
It is now time to come in from the warmth of cool Florida to the semi-warmth of Georgia
It is now time to come in from the warmth of cool Florida to the semi-warmth of Georgia
Hmmmm….I wonder what is meant by that reference? I suppose it has something to do with a lesson learned, or something like that.
Just a note about my last post. I didn’t mean to criticize anyone or the way they spend their money.
That’s how I’ve heard retirement described. Having been retired for a month now, here’s my take on that old saying.
A few days ago we visited the Koreshan Settlement State Historic Site in Ostero, near Fort Myers, Florida. The Koreshan Unity was one of several communal utopian communities that were founded during the late 1800s in America.
It’s been 20 days now since Bonnie and I started out on our retirement trip.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the everyday aspects of simply living out our day, that we lose sight of the amazing glories of our Creator God.
Ever since we left on our retirement trip, with no (or little) agenda, we’ve been learning what it means to slow down. Surprisingly, it’s not easy.
When we left on our Van Trek, many of our friends expressed surprise that we planned to live for a year with such a small amount of “stuff.” Some said, “I could never do that.”
Not every day is an exciting day.
Wherever you go there are people! And every person you meet has a story to tell.
It’s Monday morning, February 4, 2013, and it’s Bonnie’s birthday. And for her birthday I’m taking her to . . . wherever!
Less than a week!
Our “Grand Adventure” has finally begun. Oh, I know, this is just a “trial run” but it does seem like a beginning. The church dedication yesterday was a milestone. From now until Feb. 3 we live in two worlds. I feel kinship with Grandpa Doten today.
I really can’t remember when or how the idea of taking a retirement trip began in form in our minds. But as it developed, I began to realize that, for me at least, there’s probably a genetic component.