New Leaves

Flagler Beach, FL

Slowing Down

Feb 08, 2013 by Bonnie

Ever since we left on our retirement trip, with no (or little) agenda, we’ve been learning what it means to slow down. Surprisingly, it’s not easy.

We Americans are never “in the moment” but always trying to get to the next thing on our agenda. Christians are even worse: we say we’re saved by grace, but then we act as if we’re saved by works! Now I do believe that it’s important to obey God and be faithful in the tasks He gives us, but we shouldn’t feel guilty about taking a rest when we need it.

For me, it has been harder to rest than to keep busy. I know this sabbatical is God’s plan for us right now, but the enemy tries to make me feel guilty. And even though we don’t have an agenda, old habits die hard. It was noon when we started out today, and we went to a park to make lunch. Art has been sick, but he managed to warm up the chicken and gravy, toast the bread, and heat water for the coffee (french press, not instant—I MUST make that clear!). But as soon as we finished eating, he was tuckered out and went to the van to sleep while I cleaned up. I had to remind myself that this was okay, we could explore the area another day. So instead of fretting about the time we were wasting, I just enjoyed the sunny, breezy day, looking out over the intracoastal waterway while I washed dishes and put things away. And now I’m writing this note. He’s still asleep, but it’s okay. Maybe I’m starting to learn the lesson of rest.