New Leaves

Ormond Beach, FL

A Change of Plans

Feb 09, 2013 by Bonnie

Sometimes the best laid plans go awry . . .

Yesterday we were driving in Florida and it started to really rain hard. So as is our custom, we pulled into a Lowe’s to check our mail, and do some computer work. We were planning on staying the night at Walmart nearby, but hadn’t checked it out. As darkness approached, we decided to go over to Walmart, and to our dismay, it was posted “No Overnight Parking.” So we decided to hit the road again and try to find an alternate place. We should have realized that in tourist country that would be the case. We drove down to the Daytona area and found that the Walmart in Ormond Beach had the same policy. Now it was nearing 9 pm and still no place to stay. Then we remembered that our friend Ron Mayers had been pastor at the Ormond Beach Alliance Church many years ago, so we looked it up, and there were people there! On a Thursday night! One of them took us to the pastor, and he told us that they have a ministry to homeless people, and that the building is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Fascinating story! Pastor Doug is an amazing man, and we enjoyed getting to know him. He has a heart like Jesus for those in need, and they know that he loves them. Over half of the people who have “lived” in the church have come to the Lord, and many are now part of his congregation. Praise God! So our “Plan B” turned out to be the best plan after all!