New Leaves


Oct 05, 2015 by Arthur

It’s Raining!

There have been those individuals who have asked us, when they hear about our van-trek, "What do you do when it rains?” I’d like to give an answer to that question for those who haven’t yet had it answered.


Jul 13, 2015 by Bonnie

Robbed but not Ruined

In our travels, we have found that the vast majority of the people we have met, including police officers, are pleasant, polite, interesting and helpful. For example, just now, as I was writing this, sitting in a lovely pavilion overlooking a lighthouse on Lake Michigan, a man and his dog “Rosie” stopped by to chat, while out for their morning walk. But in St. Louis, we met one person who was none of the above, and his actions have wounded, but not defeated us.


Dec 20, 2014 by Bonnie

Christmas Letter 2014

The Joyces have landed! Well, temporarily at least. After 21 months away from our house, we are now spending some time at home, which feels good. It seems very luxurious to have running water—HOT running water, an electric stove with four burners, a refrigerator that actually keeps things from spoiling, and central heat and air! We are living in the lap of luxury!


Nov 24, 2014 by Bonnie

Between the Seasons

Looking out my much-loved wall of family room windows, I see that most of the leaves are on the ground now. When we got home a week ago, there was still a lot of fall color, but it’s November. Soon winter will be here—we had a preview this week! I enjoy this view every day that I am home, no matter what the season or weather. Vivid fall color, crisp winter snows, budding spring greens, and even rainy, foggy days are highlights. But every day has its own beauty, even “in between” days like today.


Nov 08, 2014 by Arthur


We are now back in our home once again. It’s been about 21 months since we first started our Van Trek around the nation following my retirement. We haven’t been traveling every day of those 21 months, but we felt that it was time for us to take a little break and tend to our house for a while.


Aug 08, 2014 by Bonnie

Small World

When we were in the Everglades earlier this year, we enjoyed attending the ranger-led talks. At one of these, the ranger asked that each of us tell what state we were from. The lady next to me said that she was from Vermont, so afterward I asked her where in Vermont she called home. When she said “Calais,” I knew she was from my sister Dot’s neck of the woods.


Apr 16, 2014 by Arthur

Flowers and Rebellion

As we are enjoying the lovely spring-blooming trees, shrubs, and flowers along the way, on this leg of our trip, we are also reading in the book of Numbers in our Bible reading plan. Today we read the part where Aaron’s rod budded, and it reminded me of how God uses nature to show us Himself.


Mar 20, 2014 by Arthur

More re: One Step…

Bonnie’s article was a good “catch up” for what we’ve been doing for the last six weeks. Her scriptural thoughts on “doing all for the glory of God,” and “come away and rest,” are certainly great truths of God for all of us today. But, I’m still feeling that “itch” of trying to figure out “where do we belong?” and “what are we to do now?” and “why doesn’t the Lord speak and show His plan to us?”


Mar 18, 2014 by Bonnie

One Step at a Time

Yes, it’s been six weeks since we’ve written a blog. Each day has been a new adventure, and we are blessed.


Feb 01, 2014 by Arthur

What Do We Do Now?

As I write this blog entry, my wife and I are sitting in the front seat of our van in the middle of a campground deep in the Everglades, typing away on our computers. The day is a cloudy and rainy one, and we’re both feeling a little bit of energy loss, perhaps due to the cool temperatures, mosquito bites, and cloudy rainy weather. So, the question is: what do we do now?


Dec 20, 2013 by Bonnie

Christmas Letter 2013

Christmas 2013 - Dearest family and friends,

Greetings to you all this blessed Christmas season! We have been blessed beyond measure during this first year of retirement, but those blessings pale in comparison the awesome gift God gave to us over 2000 years ago!


Nov 15, 2013 by Arthur

We’re Thankful

As we contemplate Thanksgiving that will soon be upon us, we can’t help but give thanks to our God for all that He has allowed us to see and do during 2013. We have seen some awesome sights that display the majesty and glory of God. Making our way across the United States and traveling down the coastline of Washington, Oregon, and California we have been impressed with the power and creative genius of Jesus who made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them (John 1:1-4 says that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”).


Nov 15, 2013 by Arthur

Divine Appointment

God does indeed move in mysterious ways. In fact, the scriptures tell us that His ways are past finding out. This blog entry is about one of those times!


Nov 07, 2013 by Arthur

Where No Man Has Gone Before

I’ve always had a bent toward science fiction as a kid. . .and even as an adult. When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, my wife told me about it and I was interested to see the show. And since that first exposure. . .I was hooked and have been a Trek fanboy ever since. So when the opportunity came to visit the Space Center in Houston, I was anxious to see all I could see because my imagination had been fanned by the science fiction to see the real thing. But to my surprise, one of the first items I came across was the Galileo from the NCC-1701, Enterprise!


Nov 06, 2013 by Bonnie

Modern Art and the Death of a Culture

That’s the name of a 1970 book by H. R. Rookmaaker. I’ve never read the book, and although I’d like to read it someday, in a way the title says it all. One doesn’t need to be an art expert to see a connection between the death of civilization and the gradual degradation of all the artistic media as culture has become divorced from the meaning and purpose that comes from being children of God. Our experiences in the world of art one day really reinforced this conclusion.
