New Leaves

Spending the night in Lowes Parking Lot

St. Simons, SC

Our semi-scheduled Agenda

Feb 07, 2013 by Arthur

Several folks have asked what our agenda will look like over the next several days.

Obviously everything has room for change, but we are at the moment, planning on taking a few days to just get over some sickness we’ve had, and to just sleep as we need sleep.

The only thing that we can depend on is that there will be change!
  • First - We will be visiting my mother who lives in Miami with my brother and his wife.
  • Second - We will be making a visit to three friends who live relatively close in the central Florida area
  • Third - We will be making our way to our daughter’s home in Georgia in order to work on the Apartment/garage for Madalynne (Bonnie’s mother)
    • Three A - The time for the finishing of the apartment is unknown but we don’t anticipate it being more than a few weeks.
    • Three B - It’s possible that we may make a trip to JC in order to pick up some items we’ll need for the construction process. But this is also unknown.
  • Fourth - After the construction is finished we hope to start a trek to the West Coast to visit with some friends there as well as Daniel and Dia.

Our days are being ordered by the Lord and He is giving direction to us as we seek Him each day. We will keep you posted as well as in our prayers.