New Leaves

San Jose, CA

‘Oops’ Update

Oct 02, 2013 by Arthur

Our previous article left some of our readers with unanswered questions. So we are attempting to resolve those questions. Whenever a particular experience takes place, there is always some kind of “resolution” as time moves forward.

To summarize, we were concerned that our van would be totaled instead of simply being repaired. But, after closer investigation by the collision company it was discovered that there wasn’t any hidden damage to the frame of the car. The final estimate settled down around the $7,100.00 mark, which was below the amount which could cause the insurance to “total” the car. This was great news because we really didn’t want to have to buy another vehicle and equip it for our lodging. So. . . it appears that by October 8 the repairs should be completed and we should be on our way.

We are certainly grateful for the many who prayed for us and sent words of support for our situation. While we are most grateful that no one was hurt in the accident, it reminds us that we just do not know the future. We may have our plans for how we will spend future days and weeks, but there may be something that will interrupt those plans, either temporarily or permanently. That’s why it’s so important that we make certain that our relationship with Jesus is what it’s supposed to be. You see, our lives and our futures are really in His hands and we can trust Him to always do that which is for our good. Those who are living according to His purposes can always know that God is completing HIs plans for us which primarily are concerned with conforming us to His Son, Jesus (see Romans 8:28-29). What a blessed comfort that is.