New Leaves

Homestead, FL

With Family in Homestead

Feb 21, 2013 by Bonnie

Homestead, Florida is a good place to be right now (mid-February). The weather is delightful this time of year, and cooler than we expected.

We’re spending about ten days at the home of Art’s brother Bill and his wife Cecelia. They have a lovely house with attached screen-enclosed pool; we’re sitting beside the pool right now, looking at the stars, listening to the crickets, and smelling the jasmine. Our van is parked in their driveway, right next to a sitting area under a loquat tree. Cecelia loves to garden, and has filled their yard with palms, fruit trees, and flowers. Even in winter it is full of life and new growth.

We’re also visiting with Art’s mom, who lives with them. Cecelia’s mother lives here too, so the days are busy, especially when two of the granddaughters, Elisa and Melanie, come over, which is often. Art’s mom, Clara, doesn’t get around as well as she used to, and Cecelia’s mom, Carmen, has Alzheimer’s disease and must have someone with her at all times. So there are usually helpers coming and going. Add a big dog, Colin, and a little one, Benji, plus three cats, and it can get really lively at times! They have made us feel very much at home, even though far away from our own, and we are trying to help where we can. Soon we’ll be heading north again. Homestead is almost as far as you can go in Florida before you head out onto the Keys, so we will be sad to leave “the tropics” and of course our family too.