A Celebration of Marriage
Aug 13, 2013 by Arthur
Today, August 13, we are celebrating God’s holy ordinance of marriage. When Eve was created for Adam, God gave instruction that they were to be one flesh. The first marriage was there in the Garden of Eden and God has been performing marriages of His people ever since.
I am grateful for the woman that God created for me. For forty seven years Bonnie has been a part of my life as my wife. She has been a source of strength and encouragement to me as we’ve walked together through life. It hasn’t always been an easy journey, but it has always been a rewarding life as God gave to us our children and grandchildren in those years. She has faithfully prayed for me and has been my “cheerleader” in so many ways. We are reaping the joys of God’s faithfulness to us over the years and we both know that God has used the experiences we’ve had to conform us to the image of Christ.
In far to many cases there are Christians who are unwilling to submit to one another and who actually refuse to follow the instructions of God as given in His Holy Word. We are not perfect examples of how marriage should work. But we are being shaped and refined day by day in our walk together.
Yes, we celebrate marriage today . . . and everyday! We bask in the joy of our Lord who sustains us and provides for us each day. The years since our marriage in 1966 seem so short but we delight in knowing that God is still walking with us and smiling upon us, even though we aren’t perfect people and have made a ton of mistakes with one another as well as with other people. But, our love for one another has grown and is still growing in our retirement years. Are we tired yet of this 24/7 existence we’ve chosen since February 2013? No! We relish it! Day by day we are experiencing more of God’s love and care that draws us closer together as we submit ourselves to Him.
We heartily recommend every married couple to allow God to work out His Son’s image in every day’s experience. It’s a glorious journey and we’d both do it again in a heartbeat! “Thank you, God, for giving us your love to share with one another and with others too!”